What is @types/ramda?
The @types/ramda package provides TypeScript type definitions for the Ramda library, which is a functional programming utility library. With these type definitions, developers can use Ramda in TypeScript projects with the benefits of type checking and IntelliSense support in code editors.
What are @types/ramda's main functionalities?
Function Composition
Allows the creation of complex functions by composing simpler functions. The compose function takes any number of functions and returns a function that represents the composition of those functions.
{"compose": "const greet = R.compose(R.concat('Hello, '), R.prop('name')); const person = { name: 'Alice' }; greet(person); // 'Hello, Alice'"}
List Transformation
Provides utility functions for working with lists, such as map, which applies a function to each element of an array and returns a new array with the results.
{"map": "const double = R.map((x: number) => x * 2); double([1, 2, 3]); // [2, 4, 6]"}
Object Manipulation
Offers a set of functions to manipulate objects, such as assoc, which creates a new object by associating a given key with a value.
{"assoc": "const updatedObj = R.assoc('c', 3, {a: 1, b: 2}); // {a: 1, b: 2, c: 3}"}
Logical Operations
Enables logical operations on functions, such as both, which creates a new function that will check if both supplied functions return true for a given set of arguments.
{"both": "const isRichAndFamous = R.both(R.propEq('isRich', true), R.propEq('isFamous', true)); isRichAndFamous({isRich: true, isFamous: true}); // true"}
Other packages similar to @types/ramda
Lodash is a JavaScript utility library that offers similar functionality to Ramda, such as manipulating and traversing arrays, objects, and strings. However, Lodash is not strictly functional and does not focus on functional composition as much as Ramda does.
Underscore.js is another utility library that provides functional programming helpers for JavaScript. It is similar to Lodash and has many of the same functions, but it has a different API and does not have as strong a focus on immutability and functional composition.
fp-ts is a library for functional programming in TypeScript. It provides developers with data types and functions for writing functional code. It is more focused on category theory and types than Ramda, and it is designed specifically for TypeScript, unlike Ramda which is JavaScript-first.
npm install --save @types/ramda
This package contains type definitions for ramda ( https://github.com/donnut/typescript-ramda ).
Files were exported from https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped/tree/master/types/ramda
Additional Details
- Last updated: Tue, 26 Feb 2019 21:22:13 GMT
- Dependencies: none
- Global values: R
These definitions were written by Erwin Poeze https://github.com/donnut, Tycho Grouwstra https://github.com/tycho01, Matt DeKrey https://github.com/mdekrey, Matt Dziuban https://github.com/mrdziuban, Stephen King https://github.com/sbking, Alejandro Fernandez Haro https://github.com/afharo, Vítor Castro https://github.com/teves-castro, Jordan Quagliatini https://github.com/1M0reBug, Simon Højberg https://github.com/hojberg, Samson Keung https://github.com/samsonkeung, Angelo Ocana https://github.com/angeloocana, Rayner Pupo https://github.com/raynerd, Miika Hänninen https://github.com/googol, Nikita Moshensky https://github.com/moshensky, Ethan Resnick https://github.com/ethanresnick, Jack Leigh https://github.com/leighman, Keagan McClelland https://github.com/CaptJakk, Tomas Szabo https://github.com/deftomat, Bonggyun Lee https://github.com/deptno, Maciek Blim https://github.com/blimusiek, Marcin Biernat https://github.com/biern, Rayhaneh Banyassady https://github.com/rayhaneh, Ryan McCuaig https://github.com/rgm, Drew Wyatt https://github.com/drewwyatt, John Ottenlips https://github.com/jottenlips, Nitesh Phadatare https://github.com/minitesh, Krantisinh Deshmukh https://github.com/krantisinh.